The way of the forager.

A Call to Nature Reading

A Call back to YOU.

A Call to Nature is a call back to yourself and your soul. Precise information about the nature element (earth, fire, air, water & ether) and the animals that are working with you to help you understand where you have been and where you are going on this journey. This came to be when I began to notice the energy of guides and loved ones residing in the energy systems of our environment; the trees, the rocks, the land. Working together, you and I we can utilise all that nature has to offer in order to bring more peace and alignment to our lives.

Book an appointment.

Before our scheduled appointment please respond to the intake email with a list of the questions you would like answered. I will then go into nature for 30 mins using my intuition to decipher where to sit, walk, settle for this time. I will then connect to your energy and use voice recorder to document what I see, hear and feel. After 30 mins I will close the doors and you will receive this as either a voice recording or written PDF. Please allow for up to one week for a written PDF and please specify which you would prefer when sending in your questions.