Journey into the Akasha 
If you are a human on this planet, you have had many lives, possibly hundreds or thousands. Here in this life, we exist having carried all our previous lives with us. We carry a heavy backpack on our shoulders with all the lessons and memories we have ever had. We may not be able to consciously access them all but our soul has a plan for this life based on our previous experiences. The Akashic Records shine the brightest light on blind spots and uncover the mysteries of our past in order to help us grow. Our experiences shape us, this we know! As I invite you to get curious and ask questions about you and your life, you will gain insights and clarity from the loving perspective of the akashic realm.  

Book with me

Please schedule your appointment using the calendar below. Our session will be one hour over zoom. I will send you the link prior to our appointment. Your time is important and the space is sacred, so be sure to come on time so you can ask as many questions in the records as possible. Be somewhere quiet and comfortable where you will not be disturbed. Think about any questions or topics you would like to cover during our session. Things may evolve from your original questions but it is good to consider your current life before coming to the records. You may want to consider the areas of home, relationships, career or health for example. If there is a question on your mind, there is a reason for this and your soul wants to learn and grow! Let’s dive in!     

In the drop down I have listed some recurring questions that I’ve received from clients that may be helpful for you when thinking of booking a session. Of course, you can plan some questions but do be aware that you may want to change direction, dive deeper or tangent. All is ok, planning some questions before just makes sure you get the most from our session together.

  • • What should I know right now?

    • What should I be letting go of right now?

    • What could I be learning right now?

    • What am I here to learn in this life?

    • What am here to experience in this life?

    • What are my gifts?

    • What is my purpose?

    • Why am I afraid of … ?

    • What is my relationship with … teaching me?

    • Why is … a recurring theme in my life and how do I work through it?

    • How could I benefit from doing … or …?

    • How can I support myself through the grief of… ?

    • What past lives are important for me to know about?

    • What is my soul contract with …?

    • Where has … shown up in past lives?

    • I have this unexplainable fear … Where does it come from?

  • "Flora's reading was so empowering. She has helped unearth issues I hadn't been able to put a finger on but that had been holding me back a long time. The past life reading she did for me makes so much sense, I now know the reason I'd been holding myself back and that I have full support to move forward!"

    Emma H



“I didn’t realise how much I needed to receive until I sat down with Flora. She gave me the most potent guidance and visuals directly from my highest self - I felt like I was able to be in true dialogue with her. I felt so safe, seen and heard through my experience and I received everything I needed to continue on my journey. By the end, my grandmother came through and I was in tears. Flora has a true gift and if anyone is looking for potent guidance and direction, Flora is your girl. I would recommend her magic to anyone.”


“Flora created such a loving and comforting space in our session together. Throughout my reading she was able to verbally paint a beautiful picture of guidance and knowledge coming from my highest self and guides within my Akashic Records. The guidance I received was exactly what I needed to hear, in the exact way I needed to hear it. I highly recommend Flora for anyone wanting to explore their Akashic Records and get to know themselves on a deeper level!”

Laura P

"Such a beautiful reading filled with so much love and confirmation. The messages I received through Flora resonated so much. The guidance she channeled for me had helped me see clearly where I should be placing my energy to continue moving forward in my journey. Absolutely loved this session, thank you so much Flora!"


“Flora's beautiful, grounded energy made me feel safe and held during my Akashic Record reading with her. The guidance that came through Flora from my guides was so loving, supportive and clear. The visuals that came through in my reading were incredibly potent and resonated on such a deep level of my being. I am so grateful and look forward to my next reading with Flora!”


“My Akashic Records reading with Flora was very comforting and uplifting. She has a warm and gentle energy and the messages she received for me were really insightful. Some of them echoed messages I’ve been receiving myself which is so affirming and helped me to trust myself more. The reading gave me clear guidance on what actions I need to take and things I can do to support myself.”


“Having an akashic reading with Flora is like being taken on an inspirational journey of the soul. Without saying a word she tunes into your energy and then answers questions you didn’t even know you needed answering!  A beautiful reading.  Thank you Flora : )”